Nouslogic Telehealth showcases many innovative medical devices & services at Asian Garden (Phuoc Loc Tho) shopping mall.
WESTMINSTER, California (NV) - Nouslogic Telehealth company hosted a networking & exhibit event at Phuoc Loc Tho mall on Friday, September 8th, showcasing their medical devices and essential smart home health & wellness accessories.

The showcase event was held in the meeting room on the second floor of the mall, featuring medical devices & services for the community in Orange County, with the main theme being "Wellness At Home." Designed with remote monitoring capability as a primary goal, these wireless devices enable patients, especially the elderly, to age-in-place healthily, independently and safely.
Exhibited at the event was a series of smart devices and services not only for “Wellness At Home” but also incorporate new automation/AI technologies that can help doctor's offices, medical centers, hospitals, pharmacies, improve their operational efficiency. Via seamless, paperless, error-free automation processes, Nouslogic solutions help to reduce both operational costs & patient’s waiting times at medical facilities, enhancing patient care.

Mr. Hoang Nhu, CEO of Nouslogic, explained that the remote patient healthcare platform can find applications in two distinct markets with the first focusing on providing care for elderly individuals living at home, and also in assisted-living facilities. This platform remotely monitors “The 4 W’s : Who, What, Where, When” , taking advantage of advancements in low-power IoT sensors, free/low-cost wireless networks, data analytics/AI, and cloud services to detect health trends and other activities for preventive medicine, preventative measures. These system components work together to ensure that seniors can maintain physical and mental well-being while minimizing the need for extensive caregiver assistance and ensuring their safety at home.
The system stores patient information in cloud servers, accessible to both healthcare providers and caregivers, providing better 24/7 real-time care for the patients.
The second application is designed to be placed in healthcare facilities, and other locations away from home. Mr. Hoang mentioned that the smart health & wellness kiosk is user-friendly, allowing users to take care of most tasks themselves. Therefore, it is well-suited for placement in clinics, pharmacies, supermarkets, malls and even nail salons.

In the waiting room of a medical clinic, the kiosk can automatically upload all measured vitals to the EMR (electronic medical record) in real time, ready for the doctor to access and review when it’s the patient’s turn to see the doctor . The kiosks can be placed in pharmacies or even at each nail salon chair or shared among multiple chairs, enabling the community to be aware of their health status when visiting nail salons.
At healthcare facilities, the kiosk can help doctors and nurses save time by not having to measure patients’ vitals individually, such as blood pressure, heart rate, weight and perform electrocardiograms, as the patients can do these tasks themselves via ECG wearable sensor.
Due to its potential suitability for nail salons, and with automation/AI features, this technology is branded as NAIL2.0, short for "Next AI-based logic"
The Vitals Self-Check Kiosk is basically a smart hub that works with Nouslogic Smart Card to wirelessly register a user and read his/her vitals measured from health devices and upload them to the EMR over the internet. Next in the showcase is a Smart Prescription/Smart Pill Counter/Weight Scale (SPCWS) that reminds patients to take their prescribed medications at the correct date and time.
Basically a high accuracy weight scale for counting pills , the SPCWS monitors how many pills are removed from the bottle at each medication time and compare against the prescribed dosage from the Dr’s prescription.
In this way, the device can warn both the user and remote caregiver in case of overdosage , or under dosage , for complete medication-adherence monitoring with real-time 2-way medication data exchange between the patient’s home and the pharmacy, doctor office.

This kiosk platform supports wireless health devices such as blood pressure meter,glucometer , pulse oxymeter, weight scales, thermometer, and ECG wearable sensor. Mr. Hoang emphasized the importance of these measuring devices, with the SPCWS and its companion weight scale being particularly essential for helping patients monitor the efficacy of their weight loss medications.
In addition to that, the system also includes a SOS/GPS alert button and a smart Doorlock that can be remotely opened by healthcare personnel in emergencies. It also features smart medical cards for centralizing patient’s health data as well as contacting patient’s caregivers in case of emergency via video call. The system further includes a radar sensor that can detect when a patient leaves their bed, helping to monitor potentially dangerous situations such as falls when going to the bathroom.
At the showcase, Mr. Viet Nguyen, a representative from Nouslogic, provided detailed instructions to the media and attendees on the functionality and usage of these medical devices.

The prescribed pill bottle is placed on the SPCWS which accurately weighs and reports there are 100 pills in the bottle. It then precisely updates the count to 92 pills after eight pills were removed from the bottle.
Moreover, to cater to the needs of elderly individuals who may not be proficient in English or have disabilities, the system supports smart speaker that can interact with the patients in Vietnamese language.
Nouslogic team hopes that healthcare businesses, pharmacies, medical centers, hospitals, and others will show interest and collaborate with the company to provide these new 24/7 real-time services for all elderly patients. This will help the elderly patients live safely, independently, and in good health, with a particular focus on their mental well-being.

Besides medical devices, Nouslogic showcased their Smart Door Lock & Smart Home solutions in a partnership with the accessory dwelling unit (ADU) project led by Mr. Trieu Phat, the founder/developer of the Asian Garden mall. Taking advantage of the new, free Amazon Sidewalk wireless network, for example, such partnership would offer a secure , affordable Smart ADU home health solution.
Mr. Hoang Nhu mentioned that Nouslogic medtechs and other Smart HomeHealth solutions will be on display at Asian Garden Mall to introduce them to the community from now until Christmas, and possibly even through the 2024 Lunar New Year.
Nouslogic Telehealth Inc
Email: [email protected]
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